Kybella is an FDA approved treatment for submental fullness, the dreaded ‘double chin’. 


Your body naturally produces a substance called deoxycholic acid in the digestive track.  It helps to break down fats in the foods you eat.  Kybella contains deoxycholic acid formulated in a laboratory.  Injected beneath the chin, it dissolves submental fat, for a slimmer neck, refined jawline, and a trimmer profile


  • MULTIPLE INJECTIONS - 20+ done with a very fine little, tolerated very well by most patients

  • SEVERAL VISITS - each patient is different, but plan on up to six injection sessions, spaced a month apart, for optimal improvement. 

  • MILD SIDE EFFECTS - There may be swelling, tenderness, tingling, firmness, numbness, pink skin, or bruising in the treatment area.  These conditions generally peak within 24-48 hours and resolve over a few days.

  • BEAUTIFUL RESULTS - You may begin to see a reduction in fat after the first treatment, with continued improvement for a month or more after the last session.

  • LASTING BENEFIT - The adult body does stop making new fat cells, so once they are destroyed locally, they are gone for good.  There is also evidence that Kybella tightens skin by stimulating collagen production, for lasting improvement. 

Want to Learn More?

Call Stone Ridge Dermatology today to see if Kybella is right for you!